The first step in improving the outcome of industrial adhesive processes is to qualify the employees who are involved. This concerns not only those who carry out the actual work, but also supervisors, employees active in work preparation and quality service, and those responsible for designing the adhesive bond.
Many suppliers of adhesive products provide short training courses focused on the processing of their products. There are also training centres that conduct a general introduction to adhesive technology. In both cases, a participant will be able to receive a certificate of participation. However, this is not sufficient to demonstrate within the usual quality systems that the person concerned is qualified to carry out adhesive-related work .
Lijmacademie is European-recognised, personal qualification, training courses, however, do provide for this. Originally, these training courses were developed by the German Fraunhofer IFAM at the request of the automotive sector. Meanwhile, the qualification training courses are carried out worldwide and in all industrial sectors. Lijmacademie is the official and exclusive cooperation partner of the Fraunhofer IFAM in the Netherlands and Belgium. Also, Lijmacademie is certified by the EWF/NIL as Authorised Training Body for the training courses:
• European Adhesive Bonder (EWF/NIL 515 EAB)
(40 hours, aimed at executives)
• European Adhesive Specialist (EWF/NIL 662 EAS), and
(120 hours, aimed at executives, MBO4/BSc technical level)
• European Adhesive Engineer (EWF/NIL 662 EAE, under development)
(332 hours, aimed at executives, level BSc/MSc technical)